25 Simpsons Tattoos

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

There are millions and millions of people that feel they know Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and little Maggie – not to mention Moe, Principal Skinner, Apu, Chief Wigum, Ralph, Millhouse and the rest of the gang – even better than they know people in their own lives.

That should be all that surprising, considering the fact that the Simpsons have been with us for almost 30 years now and very well could be with us for another 30 more as the show continues to be a fixture on Fox as well as one of the most popular cartoon sitcoms of all time.

With a show like this you have the endless opportunities for Simpsons tattoos, from the obvious character drawings of your favorites to the more obscure – like the logo for the Springfield Isotopes baseball team, the three eyed fish that was served to Mr. Burns during his mayoral candidacy, Marge’s twin sisters, and influential characters like Sideshow Bob that never get quite as much screen time as they probably deserve.

Real fans of the show will want to showcase their fan hood while at the same time signaling to other Simpsons fans – sometimes obviously, and other times with a wink and a nod with their Simpsons tattoos – exactly what this show has meant to them all.

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

25 Simpsons Tattoos - The Body is a Canvas #Simpsons #tattoos #tattooideas

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